Thursday, August 21, 2008

US Forex

Since 2001, FXDC members have added an estimated 1,500 employees totheir companies in the United States alone. The size of the industry inthe United States is estimated to be more than $8.7 trillion.[3]Forex dealers have built workplace environments and cultures that rival– or even outshine – many traditional big name companies. Many of thejobs are high-end service jobs that rely on knowledge-based employeestrained on complex financial transactions and skills that allow U.S.companies to compete and lead in the global financial arena.Forex dealers primarily rely on customers outside of the United States,with upward of 70 percent of all customers coming from more than 140countries. International customers must go through a stringentaccount-opening process, which includes depositing money in U.S. banks.These international deposits mean that tens of millions of dollars areflowing to the U.S. banking industry each day. In fact, it is estimatedthat the banks of forex dealers held $1.3 billion n customer depositsin 2007 alone.

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